I grew up with borderlands. from being a little kid watching my brother and sister play it to getting my very own xbox 360 and playing the first two to then getting my own xbox one and grabbing the handsome jack collection. it is a series I hold close to my heart.
one day i saw borderlands 3 on sale at a pawn shop and said "hell yeah i wanna get me some of this!" i was not ready for the pain.
after i got it i told my brother out of excitement who responded with "it aint the best so dont be too upset." i thought he was just messing with me. he is my brother so its law that brothers play jokes. i wished i listened to him tho.
after starting it things seemed fine for the most part, but the more i played it the more i started to understand its flaws. if we are talking game play then this game is the best in the series. the sliding is amazing the gun play rules and i just love how it feels to run around and kill things in this one.
but the story? oh. my. G O D. it flops harder then a old lady falling down the stairs in a acorn stair lift add. the new villains are just annoying. and not in a good way like handsome jack. handsome jack was evil but you still liked him in a way.
troy and tyreene just annoy me. i dread hearing "HEY SUPER FAN!" every time start the game. i only started to like tyreen after i killed her and she was gone from te game. characters like vaughn are ruined and given one personality trate and him talking on and on about his abs is never funny its just annoying.
the vaults were a joke. after beating the vault monsters which was never fun because in each boss fight the boss gets a invinceble period so the fight feels too scripted, you can go into these vaults but the stuff they offer is trash.
i am not kidding when i tell you dear reader, that every time i went into a vault, all the guns and shields in there were all weaker then the stuff i already had
in short, dont buy this game if its your first borderlands game. play the second one first, the only gamers who will be able to tollirate this one are hardcore fans of the series.
this game was just like kingdom hearts 3. the idea of a third instalment was exciting and te public wanted it now. the devs wanted the money they knew they would get from it and rushed the game to get the cash.
if we get a borderlands 4 i hope its not as disapointing.