"Rob PETRY I want a DIVORCE or Else... a New Rochelle Pen and Pencil SET??? You went ALL that way & Brought BACK your KIT KAT Club Receipts... " Laura I CAN Explain Everything... Who's in the OVEN??? "What..." HONEY WHEAT Shampoo and BODY Wash and AN EZ Bake OVEN for - WE don't even HAVE Kids Yet!! Boy wait til I TELL Buddy and SALLY - AAHH HA!! FLUBBER.... boy I KNEW she was LACING those Brownies with Something. Never TRUST a Girl from New Jersey Shore with a Pair of Melons that'll FOOL anyone into thinking SHE wants anything OTHER THAN "Who ever has the MONEY has the POWER Rob.... Go the DISTANCE!!" Check the Freezer for Sara LEE or Frederick's of HOLLYWOODS (attache case) with a Pre-NUP - PUSH-up Braw NO NO NO.... "Don't open that CLOSET - Fur Coats from Detroit!!!" Maan what a NUT!!! p.s. Laura's HOT and $$$$MOKING Your Bank Account DRY Man - Wake up and check her Bank Book for WEIRD Trips AKA One Nighters in Malibu or Swingos on the SUNSET STRIP - Remember ROB "What Happens in Vegas and NEW ROCHELLE always get's Plenty of AIR Time... Nice Set of Assets Laura (the pool boy)