Spoilers below. This one could have concluded way better and warped a seemingly good message into a twisted unrealistic one. This is trying to teach kids to not be accountable for one's actions and to trust blindly without a brain for the sake of peace. If you hold up a loaded weapon to threaten someone and that person gets shot by you, it's your fault. You set up the trap. You had bad intentions going into it. But instead of the character growing and taking accountability for themselves and standing up against what is wrong (her moms directions to trap the dragon for their own fear and selfishness) she blames the main character when she shot the dragon that it was their fault for not trusting her. That main character came there in the first place in a position of trust and giving her a 2nd chance which is great and I think after seeing the person with a loaded weapon it's logical to assess the situation and realize this person intends to not seek peace but harm you. Just would have had the Villan girl grow, admit she was wrong stand up to her mom and aid in the help with the main character and aid to convince her mom to change her attitude. Her mom could have stayed stuck to her views and it be her downfall teaching the lesson of not trusting and wanting peace being the bad thing. Instead they glanced over the mom being horrible for the sake of peace she is magically turned back to a human and her behavior isn't correctcted.. I gave 2 stars because the voice actors, animation, and music was amazing even though the story line was disappointing. Could have been so much better. Wanted something like avatar with the fire nation prince. Now that was a golden morally sound story.