It took me around half a day to finish this as I was so absorbed reading it. I was already intrigued reading the synopsis and after finishing the book, I can clearly say that this is a masterpiece. I was always curious about the psychology behind this topic and I loved how it was written realistically, up until the end. You may find yourself intrigued and disgusted over the relationship, but after reading carefully and understanding their situation will u really feel they were meant to be together. They were more than siblings, they complete each other and loved and hold each other dearly, it was more than just an infatuation. I also can’t help but root for them to end up together at times, that’s how much it made sense for them to be together. It was also heartbreaking, both their situation and their family situation too. I liked the ending too although it was heartbreaking, it really was for the best . Really recommend it :))