Liam Neeson IS a REALLY GOOD ACTOR. I think he knows he has enough cashe built up from his younger years and projects that were creative,and displayed his range and overall acting acumen.Who is any one to besiege this fine actor for finding a role, and with small changes like his occupation that allows him to appear to be a regular Joe in the public’s eye,then reach into the rotation of his “real jobs” ie; Special forces,decorated war hero,CIA operative,preventer and the one past money maker that all these “movies” keep in ol’Liam’s resume:ruthless assassin)
Yes,He probably could do most of these roles in his sleep,but that takes nothing away from the fact he doesn’t slack off or turn in sub par performances.Hey,I wonder if He was considered for the classic Bill Murray part in “Ground Hogs Day” ? If not maybe a remake,
OR: if ever a Liam Neeson autobiographical - “GroundHogs Day would sure be a GREAT title”!!!!!!!!!!!