The narrative that is being developed through this game is sick, twisted and a dangerous on:
- Black Deadshot replacing the white/OG one.
- Making a clear joke out of existing characters' legendary dialogues, styles of fighting.
- All comic logic went to hell the moment the title of this game was decided. Suicide squad actually taking on the Justice League is just a laughable concept to even think about.
- Conveniently, the only woman in the league is safe from this mind control b.s. and her stronger (Supes) and smarter (Bats) colleagues just became puppets. Making it seem like she is fighting this male dominated group of men who cannot control their behaiours.
- Sweet baby inc and other narrative development companies that are involved in this sick concoction of a game are just a bane on the society of today.
This isn't a harmless, entertaining, colourful game. It is a carefully created mumbo jumbo of personalised agenda spreading machine. Creating chaos in the minds of those who venture in its storyline at a young age which makes them especially susceptible to this kind of manipulation.