This movie was absolutely horrible, the character rose is absolutely despicable of a human being. Half the time you don’t even know what’s going on and they provide little to no context. I cannot fathom how terrible this movie ended as well. This is absolutely insane. I cannot believe they ended the movie on such an immature irritating despicably dissatisfying note. Honestly, half way through I’ll admit it was pretty good. But I cannot wrap my head around how horribly let down I was when I came to the conclusion that the ending was so ridiculous. ABSOLUTELY one star. On top of all of this, the father and daughter that got introduced made a promise to each other and they never even let us know how it went? I cannot believe this came out in 2023 and they still managed to make it this ridiculous. I’m extremely disappointed and only recommend this movie if you want to get mad after wasting 2 hours on it.