I'm rewatching The Exorcist TV series, and I must say, this shoe was EXCELLENT!😨 the first season captures some of the original 1973 film's tension and atmosphere and commendably perfectly replicates all of the interior shots and framing within the original MacNeil household. The performances are all solid; although Alfonso Herrera, Gina Davis, and Ben Daniels all stood out, they genuinely inhabit their roles.
The demonic entities now take on recognized human form and actively take part in events rather than staying hidden in mysterious shadows as they previously did in the prequel, first, and third films in the series. Since these demonic entities exist non-corporeally beyond time and space, they see the future, so in the first film, Pazzuzu knew and fully expected Father Merrin to arrive inevitably. Still, in this new interpretation, the demons are fallible and caught off guard as events proceed.
The second season that followed struggled to match the success gained, but this series remains a solid effort to replicate the first film. Believer could use some of these elements, especially the tension and the atmosphere. 😱 I wish somehow this series could be revived 🙏🏼 #musteatch #exorcisttvseries #bringitback #love