Okay, I'll go first. I believe what the girls, now grown women slightly older than I am, reported as having gone on at their school. If I had to conclude who murdered Sister Catherine, it was probably a group effort, but most definitely included certain people pointed out in the series. I was raised Catholic. I don't even know what that means anymore, considering how tainted the Church's reputation has become. Well, more like shattered. And it's not just here in America. Their rotting stench is wafting across the globe. I hope that what comes of all this is: Justice for Sister Catherine. Her killers are known. Perhaps now dead, but they are known. Healing for the women who endured such hideous abuse. Peace for those who've since passed on. A revolution within the Church, blasting it apart from the satanic worshipers who've infested its ranks. A return to normalcy, including allowing clergy to marry. They're being consigned to an unnatural existence with imposed vows of lifelong celibacy. Let them make their choices.
This series made me cry for the way in which these women were betrayed. It made me seethe with anger towards the men who cloaked themselves in holy robes, and participated in human degradation, and finally murder to silence the one decent person among them who took her role as teacher and protector seriously. May you all rot, which I expect you are right about now. For those in law enforcement who participated in, or aided and abetted these cretins in their nefarious acts -your reckoning is coming.