I rather watch Lord of the rings and The Hobbit trilogy again and again but not going to watch This series 2nd time very boring and unnecessary characters doing overacting and forcefully showing Frendship between Elrond And Durin and such a over acting by Durin Wife that horrible actress I fast forward when she came and I don't understand why there so many black actors in this story when there is not a single actor in lord of the rings trilogy and even in the Hobbit trilogy don't get me wrong will Smith is one of my favourite like Chadwick boseman Martin Lawrence and Denzel Washington Samuel l Jackson List is so long of great actors but in this series unnecessary characters forcefully showing replica of our favourite characters like Bilbo and Sam Frendship there is Marry and Pippin Bilbo and Gandalf just Disappointed as fan not even going to watch if there is Any season They should gave direction to sir Peter Jackson he did greatest job with both trilogy his direction his character choosing is outstanding wish Lord of rings and The Hobbit trilogy gets reboot by same director