This game is good in my book. Think of this as one of those poems that may not look as intriguiging at first glance, but soon gives you a taste of feeling and emotion once you start to read line by line.
Doki Doki Literaure Club is one of those games that catch you off guard when you play. It's simple! It's a dating sim, for dating people. I LOVE the art that is put into this. Just pure anime. The plot in this game easy to understand.
Your childhood best friend, Sayori, asks you to join her club at your school. And(Of course) go afterschool and meet these 3 girls that are in the club(Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika The President of the group) and learn that poems are the fad, welp not bad. You share your poems, and prepare for festival day(Sharing your best poems and reciting it to the crowd, and bring them to the club).
Characters are all different! Yuri is sad, Sayori makes you feel bad, Monika feels glad, but Natsuki is literally bad. Character arcs are developing the more you are there in the club, and(whatever person you are more interested into[choices in game]) will like you more. I consider this as one of the most simplest and original plots I've never seen
In the end, Sayori is feeling more sad. But you don't maker her feel bad, and find a way to be rad. but, oopsies! Suicide exists! I knew the suicide prevention hotline didn't work. Boom, your best friend deadzo and since that was happening when the festival started, you decide not to go and the game ends.
Here's where the juicy stuff comes in. And would you look at that! Lore Arcs! Oh boy Team Salvato, you're really becoming the second Scott Cawthon here! Specific game files for THE CHARACTERS! No. And boy do I love Base 64 code to unravel!
As the game warnings say, this game was disturbing. I mean, looks fine to me, I totally didn't see dating sims themed around anime in a school where you end up with a phycopath person that likes you. Look, I've seen crazy but I just never expected it to be this crazy.
Turns out that MONIKA was the antagonist of the story. I mean no wonder she was glad, she freakin' bad. I love how she tries to change the characters a bit and soon they get crazy for you. I found everyhting not disturbing though, just some cheap jumpscares. Well, didn't mar my list for a horror game. Oh wait, I forgot! Yuri deadzo. Never mind.
Its funny how Natsuki was noticing these events and then Monika was like NOPE! Monika then brings you in the end. In space, in the classroom, and she's literally staring at you, flirting and some random stuff. Keep this up and you'll be stuck in the same place for an hour. You didn't accomplish anything. Sayori got loose in the noose, Yuri hid too much ketchup and soon faints because her secret of ketchup revealed. Natsuki has a mental disorder(I mean, her anger went too far), and Monika pressed backspace. Also, about the game files with characters, JUST DELETE MONIKA! Boom, she's gone and triggered at you and after 5 minutes you get zapped back to the title screen. Everything is back to normal and everyone's alive expect Monika because why not. But oopsies! Turns out that being President of a club will make you evil. Badabing Badaboom Deletis The Feetus. EZ. Now, that's the game. I like this game for its story and art, but have only a few things. I hate how there's nothing to do. You have to progress through the dialogue and it gets really boring to play. Only if you want to take it seriously, then it's good to play, but it plays as a book. Other than that, I love its choices and I find this a great game to play.
Oh there's mods, more reading