I personally loved it, way better than the previous version, my personal takeaways:
1) Superman didn't get enough screentime, like, I understand it fits the narrative, but I wished for more screentime, and even possibly flashback scenes to Krypton
2) Steppenwolf stealing the Mother Box from Atlanta wasn't as badass as when he stole it from Themyscira (don't know how to pronounce it 😅)
3) I was a bit disappointed to see that Martian Manhunter had less screentime than I expected, but oh boy, the scenes he appeared in were phenomenal
4) When I heard people say Ray Fisher's performance was amazing, I didn't believe it till I saw it
5) Huge kudos to Zack Snyder for making this happen (although he said at the beginning that he thanked US for it)
I had a great time watching 🖤🖤