Way to go to Disney for ruining the good name of another beloved character by making him absolutely defenseless. In the ending of Episode III, Obi-Wan had a mission. He had a purpose. He was to protect Luke from danger on Tatooine. What do we see him do? Bury his lightsaber in the sand and tell a fugitive Jedi to "forget the past". As if there's no hope left in the galaxy while he's supposed to be babysitting the one hope he has. Then he just packs up everything and leaves to go save Leia in the first episode. The only favor he does Luke is to buy him a T-16 Skyhopper toy (admittedly a cool moment). Then it's off on another rip-roaring adventure instead of defending his ward. Did I say rip-roaring? It wasn't. Obi-Wan, one of the greatest Jedi masters of all time, struggles to win a couple fights with some low-level thugs. He literally seemed stronger in Episode IV. He certainly had more guts, straight up cut off a man's arm with his lightsaber in front of everyone. And he didn't struggle to fight Vader then, but all of a sudden when he's 10 years younger, he can't even remember his saber skills that he used nonstop for years on end. Whatever. What a way to ruin our memories with another cheap cash grab. Guess there's another title going in my "didn't actually happen" bin along with almost every other piece of Disney Star Wars that's been made (exceptions Rebels, Rogue One, Bad Batch, CW season 7, Mandalorian).