Genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever watched. I had to watch it for my college Freshman Comp class. The only, and I mean ONLY good part was the vulgar alien character in the game Theodore plays. That was funny, the rest was extremely uncomfortable to watch. Sexual degeneracy such as:
-Theodore and some girl in a chat room having verbal sex and the girl had a fantasy of being choked by a dead cat.
-Samantha (played by Scarlet Johansson), the "AI operating system" in Theodore's computer, having verbal sex. (Something I've never, ever wanted to hear ever)
-Samantha gets a surrogate for Theodore to have sex with (A weird kind of three-some) It doesn't end up happening because Theodore gets cold feet.
There's more to it however when it's not disgustingly degenerate, it's just unbelievably boring, with the exception of when that alien is on screen.
It's incredible that ANYONE could be anything but disgusted and bored after watching this movie. I wish I could give this movie a 0/5. But because of the alien, 0.25/5