definitely the worst pokemon game out there without question. the exp share mechanic (among many other smaller things) completely ruined it for me and made it mindless and far to easy i cant even bring myself to finish it its so easy im just so bored! I tryed to give it a chance and stick it out till then end but i just cant. Zero challenge definitely equals zero fun for me i truly dont understand those who say they loved it. Its such a far cry from the originals it doesn't even feel like pokemon at this point. Unfortunately this will likely be the last pokemon game i purchase as i just cant enjoy this over simplified garbage. And thats a shame as ive been there since the beginning and have seen the franchise slowly slip into what is now a lazy rushed exceedingly easy game that simply panders to very young children instead of there actual fans who made them what they are today. Im beyond disappointed that this is the mentality game freak has come to and it will undoubtedly be what drives the fans away as it has me. Ive never left a pokemon game unfinished but its my only choice on this one i cant justify wasteing anymore of my time on this one. Il give my money to the companys that appreciate the fans that got them to where they are now this game is inexcusable and in my strong opinion unenjoyable. Pokemon used to be one of my favorite game series but these days is simply mediocre at best. Guess i can still play the older ones and hopefully find some cool fan made roms out there. Thanks for takeing my cash and producing this waste of a game that could have been great. very poorly done game freak very poorly done! Listen to your fans youl find you make better games. And clearly more important to you more money because your not getting mine again untill you shape up if ever!