Those that say this movie was bad have never experienced this. As a mother of 3 Black boys this is a deep discussion we have in our house. Which is so sad. You don't have to worry about get stereotyped for the color of your skin we do. MY boys are good awesome boys that will grow into awesome men. You think all people think that NO.. People want to be afraid of people of color because of what society has been brain washed to think of people of color.. Have people of color went to another country, stole a whole race and enslaved them. Black people have been hung, laws to keep them from doing a lot,, beat to death, have a horse drag you down the street while your family watched and much more.. Those that are ignoring this message don't have people of color around them. They don't want to know the truth of what happened to our ancestors as well as what is happening now just systematically. This world has never been fair for people of color. If you don't understand this please do your research and wake up because we live in a world that people of color especially black people or hated not by all but the powers that are in charge yes. Why is the question I ask myself and I worry for my children all the time.