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Oct 2022, playing for 3-4 weeks, conquered first Boss visited 1 island, made one huge Castle base, just created a bore farm and carrot farm, at Brass Tool level and master of Giant Ogre killing!
if your playing the game it'll make sense.
I intensely play for 3-8 hour blocks and several days a week (lost a lot of sleep to this one), liked Diablo back when first released and farscape, then onto recent times Minecraft and Amazon's New World, Graphically and sandbox wise this games a bit behind NW but way ahead of Minecraft, it has similar ideology to both Diablo (dungeon quest style) and Farscape (open are resource gathering the Storyline, though fairly weak on that side and not as in depth dungeon wise.
It's probably fair to call this a minor non PVP version of New World, with the exception that New World misses out entirely on the Minecraft build concept, and gathering resources is about gear and skill progression not part of the game objective, placing this game as a Minecraft advancement with better mechanics and visuals but similar strategy and concepts and the added in base storyline and sub missions that Minecraft lacks.
If your all about fighting and maxing out your character then I'd point you at New World, especially if PVP is your bag, if your all about creating your own little world but hate heavy resource collection issues then head to Minecraft, you want something that gives you a little of everything and allows you to choose your focus this is a great game for you, only a matter of minutes in I was quickly getting to grips with the controls, objectives and "requirements".
Having come from the others above there is a little frustration in already understanding the where I want to be and then not getting the games limitations of doing so without progressing first, (pick axe and general tool advancement being your first annoyance).
It took me several weeks to realise that the workbench has a button to repair your inventory, I was spending a lot of time making and re-making tools, or collecting resources just to upgrade one about to die, lost a lot of advancement to time wasted because of this but it was fun time for the most part, turns out repairing doesn't even cost resources, ie just returning to base and your fully kitted again in seconds, so maxing out equipment should be a priority and building a well-protected "MAIN" base is essential.
It would be super frustrating to upgrade all your tools only to have a giant ogre destroy your base and leave you without a workbench to repair them and half to go back to create lower level ones to build a new workbench (there level’d to be able to make newer better stuff and upgrade that higher, I assume a level 1 workbench wont repair a level 4 tool haven’t checked but it kind of stands to reason it wouldn’t.
Thankfully this game doesn’t overkill on mobs generally and even night-time spawning is manageable if you’re in the area your equipped for, Stamina drain and watching your health while being overrun with mobs is an easy way to earn yourself a lot of travel time! Done a few recky’s to distant places only to die and be lazy to try and run naked and weapon less back to reclaim everything, only to die again and spend another 20m running across the map (embedding a habit of laying down a base fort and bed would be a wiser way to expand your reach) that said if you learn the foods and use the Boss skills well you can transverse a lot of ground fairly quickly running.