I love watching first take and start my day with this. I will say that it’s a bit egregious that they haven’t spoken about the women’s college World Series so far. Final starts later today and I think that it would be egregious to not talk about the rematch from 2021. It’s a big deal. And I think that it’s worth noting. For at least a discussion. I wish that Stephen A was as passionate about women’s sports being discussed a little more as he is about the NBA. Bring on Holly Rowe, Jessica Mendoza, Michelle smith any day with this. I will say that it’s a bit egregious that first take haven’t spoken about the women’s college World Series so far. Final starts later today and I think that it would be egregious to not talk about the rematch from 2021. Madison Schipman, Danielle Lawrie, etc have been absolute fire on analysis for this tournament!!! Madison, I shed tears with you when ally was eliminated!!! Love softball!!!