Iv just finished watching this so I’m probably over emotional right now, Korean drama has been my form of escapism for the last ten years, I love the positivity of romantic comedies, iv been binge watching this drama over the last few days, it’s described as a romantic comedy and its helped put a smile on my face more than once with its ups and downs and distracted me from the problems of real life, the biggest one being the devastating fight a close loved one is fighting right now to survive, so to turn to this “romantic comedy “ as a distraction and be let down so massively in the final episode with no warning is heartbreaking. I know it’s only fictional and I shouldn’t let it get to me, but a really good drama makes you connect with the characters, to feel what they are feeling, and the stunt pulled in the final episode was 100% not redeemed in the last 60 seconds! No one would do that to another person in real life and think it was ok or justifiable. The acting was perfect, the music and surroundings were perfect, the writing all the way upto the last few episodes were also perfect. The last episode bombed in my opinion and definitely won’t be going on my “watch again “ list. I really hope this isn’t going to start a trend with other dramas following suit otherwise I’m going to have to find a new hobby.