I'm a vegan and a meditator. These two practices go well with exercise. Plant-base nutrition is clean food that doesn't add plaque in your blood vessels but rather keeps your blood vessels clean and flexible. Meditation has many advantages at the cellular level and beyond. When I discovered The Oxygen Advantage, and read the book 3 times, it was like the third leg to the stool. It seemed to be the missing link. I've been using McKeown's breathing techniques for about 3 months now. Obviously, there is a retraining of the brain and body during this period not unlike veganism and meditation. Nose breathing running is amazingly easy and it doesn't take long to get use to it. I use a nose dilator. But the breathing is easier than when I mouth breathed. I fact, my breathing at an 8:30 pace over 6 miles is almost like rest breathing. The key is breathwork. Walk warming up with breathwork to 80 steps-breath-hold then start a slow warmup run for half mile then start your training run pace. After you complete your mileage walk breathwork again to 80 breath-hold steps to saturate your bloodstream with C02. Breathwork is not just for training. It is a 24/7 lifestyle like veganism and meditation. Stop consuming animal protein it's killing you and the planet -stop thinking of the past and future because the present moment is the only time you exist-stop mouth breathing and breathing excessively. Breathe light to breathe right. Stay relaxed and content.