The Idol is a series that draws inspiration from the iconic Britney Spears, which is an intriguing concept. However, there are certain aspects of the show that, in my opinion, take it in a questionable direction. The excessive number of sex scenes and the frequent depiction of Lily smoking cigarettes seem to glamorize harmful behaviors that can have serious consequences. This approach may be off-putting for viewers who are concerned about the portrayal of such habits.
Furthermore, the show's choice to dress Lily in a provocative manner seems unnecessary and out of touch with the reality of the pop idol industry. While creative expression is important, it's essential to strike a balance that respects the sensibilities of the audience and the values associated with being a role model in the music industry.
Regarding Abel's performance, I share your sentiment that his acting falls short. The delivery of his lines feels unconvincing and sometimes lacks coherence, which can be frustrating for viewers seeking a compelling narrative. Stronger character development and improved dialogue could have enhanced the overall quality of the show.
In conclusion, while The Idol has an intriguing premise and draws inspiration from a renowned pop icon, it falters in certain areas. The excessive sexual content, the glamorization of harmful habits, and the lackluster acting from Abel hinder the show's potential. As a result, it may not resonate with viewers who prioritize a more balanced and cohesive storytelling approach.