Well, I like this movie. I like the combination of the choosing different looks of performers. Yes, I am an housewife, periodically very down. The first moment I here the music and the cute couples on the screen, I felt excited already. And the content is very fulled and rich as I can see. All the delighted moment all the heartfelt moment all the cheerful moment. I am female and over 50 from Hong Kong married to a USA citizens and have two daughters. This movie, It is my honor and happy to see those beautiful faces. I am not quite sure yet if my teenage daughter should and will watch or like it. But I already have a plan to put my 75 inches TV in the Center of the living room during next move. Cause now, my address is very small. Yes..............ye.................... My family used to use the audio and video screen to watch my Karaoke performance and Barbie all series movies and play and the cartoon and movie that we love to see and watch and be a part of. Yes, USA not so good just like near the year 1997 and around, a lot of house haunting. I wish Mrs. Ali. has a successful talk show performance in her life as she liked. But the most important is to look at the deep side of all the research and words, and what is exactly showing you. Can you and will you use your time to sacrifice and lead the people to do the correct and right things after you make joke or show off the discussion content of the normal /or normal people talk about the issue/matter and and bring to an end of the trouble for the world and set up a community/senate office, to gather all things and fight evil, demon and or criminal. And continuously bring the world prosperity and fortune. God bless you! Amen. Be safe and be beautiful and wisdom.