you can see the lies FBI agents and ATF are telling, amazing how they dont have all the tapes to show what they are saying. Im not saying the Koresch is a saint, but the fault of this incident lies with the ATF. there is no way the army gave the FBI and ATF military tanks, those were Army personnel driving those vehicles. The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) this law prohibits the use of military vs civilians. This documentary is the FBI and ATF's answer to all the proof that the whole incident was their fault. This documentary is more on the side of the ATF. it is not a neutral show. ITS 90% for the ATF. it still show some interesting facts, and if you watch it with an open mind you will outright see lies being told by the ATF and FBI, especially the negotiators and the sniper who is featured in this show.