Yesterday when I opened my pinterest acount i saw a summer chick flick list of movies to watch. It was sandwhiched between the movies clueless and 10 things I hate about you ( which i recomend watching instead of wasting your time on this hot garbage) and as i have far to much time on my hands i decided to give it a try. It seemed like a fun and promissing movie to start with. Bubbly quirky new girl played by the great actress lindsay lohan who also starred in mean girls one of the greatest teen drama highschool movies to ever exist moves, into a new school and quickly bonds with another girl over her favorite band Sidarthur. They challenge the power of the mean girls who hold clutches on the school. However, this movie slowly spirals out of control becoming a tangled web of lies told by a girl who seems fun at first glance slowly becoming a bratty pathological liar who would do anything to get out of trouble and get her way and be with her idol stu wolff who she has a weird perverted crush on although he sounds and looks like a facebook dad called malcom who works at a McDonald's drive thru. And we're supposed to root for HER??? Disney, bffr. And then her poor friend who mind you is treated like dirt by her throughout the entire movie is constantly being used and encouraged to lie and cheat like her. 3/10, do not recomend unless you want something to laugh at on a sleepover with friends and even that wouldn't be too fun since this movie takes itself far too seriously.