It needs a five star rating! Though, I haven't finished the whole thing yet (season 5 episode 9 ) I can tell it will end very.... cool maybe. The way Adora get's the power of "She-Ra" back is cool, unlike other shows where they just get powers back in the first try. lord or Horde prime is much more evil than I thought. Maybe he will become good in the end? Nah (no way!) he is very eager to get "The Heart of Etheria." Watch the show to find out what that is or maybe you already know but I'm not going to tell you. At first at thought "Are Bow and Glimmer brother and sister?" and then I remembered they are friends. Bow, Glimmer, Adora, Horde/lord prime, Catra, Netossa, Spinnerella , Hordak, Seahalk, Swiftwind Micah, you'll find out the rest if you watch the show. I know I haven't finished it but, I wish their where more seasons; I already know that Spinnerella and Netossa are well married/in love and I have a felling there's gonna be romance between Catra and Adora even though they were like enemies, I MAY BE WRONG. Most shows I watch where there's "Heroes and Bad Dudes" I want the bad guys to win. FOR EXAMPLE: PJ Masks.But this show makes me feel like I want the good people to win! Back to the review. I've maybe herd their's romance in this show. Like: Catra x Adora, Scorpia And Perfuma, Sea Hawk And Mermista, Hordak And Entrapta, and more. Just watch the show okay? Haven't given you the much reasons to watch it? FIND OUT MORE REASONS TO WATCH IT IF YOU WATCH IT!( not good at writing reviews hoped you liked it though)