I read your book with interest. When you spoke of meeting the spiritual being who you knew but did not see except as spiritual beings, it made me wonder. I found a verse in Eccesiastes12 v 7. Then the dust shall return to the earth (our bodies) and the SPIRIT will return to God. All our spirits will return to God but our souls and bodies will only be reunited with our spirits later at the resurrection. Either at Jesus second coming or at His last coming. 1 to eternal life or damnation. Revelations is very clear on these facts.
You only speak of your love for God and His love for you in your book. Yet Jesus is never mentioned. Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the light, no man comes unto the father except by me". Maybe God in his loving kindness sent you back to earth to find out who Jesus really is so that you will find Him and and be redeemed.
Hester Vorster