Genuine trash. Nothing feels like halo, just a generic science fic with hilariously predictable plot points. Has nothing to do with book lore nor game lore. So much has been changed and butchered that it actually hurts to watch, and not in a so bad it’s good way. Zero mystery or suspense either, they outright tell you what a halo does before you even meet cortana...the ai that discovers what the halos do In the damn game. Instead of moral dilemmas in regards to the Spartan program and the unsc/oni system as a whole being explored in interesting ways, they basically make the unsc comic villain levels of evil for no decent reason other than...human covenant lady needs to have a backstory?
So many more garbage changes it hurts. Whenever they try to sprinkle in comedy too it just feels so awkward that you just want to gouge out your eyes. So so bad