It was extremely entertaining. I liked the fast pace. To me it felt like it should be fast paced seeing as how they are very quickly trying to prepare for what is to come and that the war can start sooner than they thought. It opened up more aspects to characters we love as well as introduce a ton of new characters. I feel like I’ve seen reviews where people complain about how characters act—but it all seems on par for me for 20 something year olds in the middle of a war that are growing, dealing with loss/trauma and still figuring things out.
It answered questions and tied things up from book 1 but yet opened up so many new questions and avenues to that need answered, which is how a second book should work.
I couldn’t stop reading. I thought it was well done and turned this series into a direction you may not expect.
Any negative reviews I’ve seen I think just stem from people overly analyzing and theorizing after reading fourth wing and not liking that it didn’t match what they incisioned—which no book should match exactly what fans invision.
There are a few things that weren’t my favorite plot wise—but that didn’t affect how I enjoyed the book. If I loved everything plot wise in a book I’d honestly find it boring. This was anything but boring.
I thought it was just as good as fourth wing. And made me more excited to continue this series!