I read one of the reviews below that "graphics are stunning".
Are you serious? The graphics in this are jank and made in some template graduate graphic design program.
The characters look as stiff and jank as they do in my offshore safety trainig video I watch every flight. So incredibly dated and awful.
As for gameplay? I do not understand why there is any. Shooting, aiming, walking around is all jank. And I mean it. It plays like the BAD games used to play 20 years ago. I wish there was an option to just skip the awful shooting sections and just pick dialogue options all the game. I see no point in any other interaction in this game as it's cheaply made and absolutely awful. I haven't played such a jank game in a decade, at least.
The story is quite ok and it is the ONLY good thing about this. Again, its sadly dressed in awful graphics and absolutely abysmal gameplay. The gameplay is as bad as some shovelware you'd find on Steam for less than a pound/dollar made by one person. I wish I was kidding or being extra mean. I am honest.