Heya! So i do my reviews a bit differently. Because reviews and opinions can be totally different. So I'll give MY rating of the game- what I liked and didn't like- and then I'll do a review about how the game would be fun for players (not me) IN GENERAL.
ok so- I loved it! I thought the open world was great and beautiful. I thought the movement and combat is fun! The story isn't good. But it isn't bad. The voice acting was top tier! I lot of people don't like ending. Now I agree- they kinda did the bat dirty. BUT- when people are saying they- "disrespected" Kevin'sthat made me mad. First off- how did rockstrady know Kevin was gonna die? And second- he agreed to ending. He thought it was a good ending place for Batman. So eh.
And second a lot of people didn't like how the missions were bland- how it was like an escort mission etc- but I found it fun. Just shooting and killing your way through enimes while protecting this thingy was fun to me. But I can TOTALLY understand why other players would dislike it.
My review for this game is a solid 7/10 but the overall reviews for the overall GAME BASE for people would have to be a 4/10.