I went to see,this movie in the movie theatre 3 days ago.
I heard that "Cats" has been one of the longest running musical broadway shows in existence, and so I went to give it a shot as im not really a fan of musicals.
There are several things that i can say negative about this movie;
Lets start from the prolouge.
The introduction of the main character was so vague.
Her origin and how she ended up in the place (where the rest of the casts are dwelling) was really confusing and they proceed to introducing the rest of the characters without even giving the sublest explaination of whats going on. Im not sure if its my listening comprehension or is it just that they lacked the imporant aspect of effective story telling.
My level of english is average, and i believe that in normal circumstances, i am able to understand simple ajd complex conversations BUT THIS: i could not process most of the things they are talking about.
As the movie progresses, i seriously felt extreme akwardness and second hand embarrassment as i know that majority of the audience who did not have any back ground about the original source material was feeling the same confusion i was having,
The effort to add comedic element to the movie was alittle bit too much that it became gross and extremely inappropriate even to adult audiences.
The singing was good but then again; the dialogues and lines were all too unfamiliar to understand. Its as if the producers of this film expected everyone to have already seen the original musical.
The make up and visuals are good BUT i am very disappointed that this is made in 2019, i mean,,, seriously, i could see the fake patches during some of the dance scenes.
I dont know the exact duration of the film but i guarantee that i felt bored 90 percent of the time.
I love Jhud and her acting was good, but i seriously could not connect to her character.
All in all, the movie was very painful to watch. I would really never recommend it for the sake of entertainment BUT i would suggest this to others who are extremely curious why this sucks a lot.