As any logical, reasonable thinking being would deduce from this: These guys are obviously telling the truth.
In what other place in the world is a grown man allowed to have young boys sleeping in the same bed with him without there being some kind of repercussions ? Just that, off of its face value alone, minus any sexual activity, should be indication that this dude (MJ) had some serious mental issues. But because he has been equaled in idolatry 3 levels below the Lord himself, he believes, and has others believing that a person of that sainteté célebrité, could never ever do wrong .
As Donald Trump believes and blatantly said himself "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters". This sort of above-the-law thinking and actions such as MJ's all come from the same place in the minds of those with celebrity and money. The truly sick part of this is that everyone saw this in plain site and never did anything to try and stop him or at least get help for him and his victims.
Remember Latoya (MJ's sister) years ago tried to get Michael to admit he had a childhood sexual problem and the media and the Jackson family were ready to tar-and-feather her, and hang her up by her weave for doing such. When it comes to being honest and forthright for the sake of celebrity preservation, hypocrisy rules and runs rampant even at the expense of other people's lives. That smothering level of bull*%t and fakeness that defines Hollywood, the celebrity world and the plastic people it produces makes one want to vomit.
And, so what IF they are doing it for the money, they deserve every penny of it starting from the day they were tricked and seduced into MJ's sexual playground.