It is really annoying that 1. these adults are called "Boys and GIrls"
2. these adults act like teenagers 3. they scream every time a text message comes in for the group 4. they are expected to form a meaningful relationship in 24 hours 5. the one couple that seem interested in each other are criticized for being "boring". Isn't the objective to create a relationship? 6. Why eliminate new people after such a very brief time?
If the program were for an adult audience
1. the setting would be in a real world location 2. People would wear more than bathing suits 3. The goal would be less ambitious. Instead of expecting a life long commitment, how about finding someone you are interested in dating. 4. Cut the crying 5. Challenges would not be gross - yes, I do mean passing food from mouth to mouth. 6. People who just met don't sleep in the same bed, as if they were a real couple. Surely you can afford more than one bedroom. 7. If your target audience is 16 year olds, this show does not provide a healthy model for relationship building.