Much of my high RATING comes solely from things like the creative and I think logical expansion of what forces users would be capable of, the introduction of the avatar complex (the idea that one person holds generations within them), and the return of sideous, a character whom I regard as the most interesting and genuinely dangerous villain ever conceived. However, I prefer the fast, hyper fancy, fencing informed saber choreography of the preludes to the clunky, heavy, medievil looking fight scenes in rey's trilogy. Like the sabers way twenty pounds each. I also prefer force ghost Luke not looking so freaking hokie. Maybe they should've gone back to using puppets for Luke too for the force ghost scene since it did wonders for Yoda's appearance. A big aspect that was almost completely missing in this one was creatures. There are scarce few new creatures introduced, r2d2 was side lined and po got a female love interest while fin almost "admitted" his feelings for Rey which felt like a total stooping, almost a surrender, of the writers to explain away harmless internet rumors of a bro-mance between the two. These things felt like hedging, not important things to the story. The script was wildly simple and I found myself nearly insulted that everything was being explained like I was five but at least Abrams didn't do something as insulting as copying Lilo's lightspeed ramming escape trick and take all the credit for coming up with something SO UNTHINKABLE in a space opera, like they did in the last Jedi.
Over all the last Jedi was a better movie for a lot of reasons, but because the theme of force power expansion continues in this film, and because Rey realizes her own unique path and walk it, this was still a great movie. I have absolutely no problem with the little romance between Rey and Ben. Ben's thee film journey of internal torment, regret, and ambition, only to end in realization and redemption was exactly what that character needed.