Disney and Pixar find themselves in an interesting situation with Inside Out(1&2). Their target market isn’t children. Disney and Pixar are for all ages with stories that fill the screen, and memorable characters who connect, and relate to the audience. However, I was not relating to, or reflecting on early childhood development from the ages of 1-18.
Inside Out is so well done, and poignant. The messaging, the imagery, the dialogue. It’s truly one of the best original ideas the studio has come up with since the early 2000’s, but the audience members that identify with this brilliance are left wanting more. With a run time of 1 hour and 36 minutes some ideas, settings, and plot sequences seem underutilized in this sequel.
Personally, I would love to see Pixar commit to this topic and explore the more serious nature of child development while also implementing their levity, and creativity. They’ve kicked open the door to a room of terrific possibilities. Inside Out 2 is a palatable sequel that avoids a redundant storyline, and separates itself from its former with fresh characters, fantastic visuals, creative storytelling, and uplifting lessons of life.