This movie spoke to me in ways I can’t explain. The subject matter to me crossed racial lines to truly portray poverty, drug abuse, and generational misfortunes passed down physically and emotionally. I cried through the whole film it brought up a lot of memories of what you go through being poor as a child. I am a African-American woman and the characters spoke to me so deeply even though it was not my experience exactly it pulled out of me thoughts of what I went through as a child. The scene when he’s at the dinner table with the college professors, and he has this inner dialogue going on in his head pretty much saying he’s not good enough to be there how should he act what should his manners be how should he speak that spoke to me in most of my life and the inner dialogue you have going on in your head trying to survive a world that’s not quite yours yet you don’t fit into. Also the scene we’re mamas has to pretty much big for extra food from meals on wheels this spoke to me as to the first time you ever hear your parents struggle with not enough food to feed everybody in the house and how they’re going to deal with it and how at that point wakes you up and transforms you forced of course from being a child to the adult world and you have to deal with it, mentally that’s deep I’ve been there. I have a lot to say about this film because to me Ron Howard always catches you and makes you think about being on such a deeper level I didn’t know this was his film until after I watched, and then that made me understand why I was so emotional throughout watching this movie. Ron Howard’s stamp was definitely on it and I appreciate his filmmaking because it makes you think on a deeper level. I thought it was an excellent film.