If I could give it minus 5 stars I would. As soon as I saw Jaoquin Phoenix name in the opening credits I had a sneaky suspicion this was going to be Vegan bias. I was almost right, it's Vegan propaganda and no holds barred.
Sadly I was hoping for an interesting documentary with a balanced view on the good and bad of the food we eat.
Sadly apparently I'm going to die tomorrow because I eat steak on the rare occasion and I love a glass of milk!
I agree with a review on here that a balanced diet of whole foods and a variety of meat including fish is the way forward. My grandparents and those who came before lived long healthy lives by eating this was and let us not forget EXERCISE!
Cut out the sugar, we KNOW through our own experiences that suger is not only addictive but it DOES cause diabetes AND weight gain, that's not to say the odd sweet treat isn't an option because it is! MODERATION and EXCERCISE.
If you want to go Vegan that's absolutely fine by me, just look out for the documentary where those "Dioxins don't skip organic fields" (smoking gun quote from this propa-sorry "documentary")and know that you are eating them directly rather than being filtered through a cow/lamb first...
There's good and bad about everything we eat depending on who you talk too, so be sensible and take care of your body, be thoughtful of what you put into it, you only have one, and treat yourself from time to time. Life is hard sometimes and you deserve it 😊