I found out that this was on Amazon recently, and having read Alex Scarrows novel, and it's sequel, Afterlight, several times was looking forward to watching. What a mistake that was! In the novel, a Bilderberg type cabal is deliberately crashing the world economy for a "reset" but blowing up refineries, ports etc knowing that any interruption to the delicate supply chains will destroy civilisation. In this take, the global economy is being destroyed by a bacteria that has been deliberately added to oil, rendering it useless. As an aside, this is the plot from a different novel that was out at the same time, Black Monday by R. Scott Reiss!
Anyhow, the acting is as wooden as I have ever seen, the blind kid added nothing, the daughter was a pain in the bum, the "tiger" mother of the children was poor again, and the stereotypical "trust fund kid" characterisation of the "baddie." Lot's of diversity bingo boxes ticked (head of MI6 was obviously a black woman) and the ending pointless. I love a good dystopian scenario, but this was really poor, with no redeeming features.