I was watching this show since it came out. I had noticed racist remarks and degrading of the contestants and celebrity panel. But when I went back to find what everyone’s talking about, with Mike Tyson in the episode, that was downright moronic. First, for Anthony to state that an old WHITE man used to host the show, and then the comments from him and his waste of space mother about the hero who saved the WHITE woman. While mouthy mama voted for the black hero (who is the hero), she still had to go racist by saying “See, sometimes we even help WHITE people.
Following that, Anthony was mocking a contestant’s answers about baking, repeating what the contestant said, but in a babyish and condescending way. And in the end, this contestant was the real baker.
Adding to this, the celebrity with the lowest score has to parade around with a “dummy” crown (how old are they?) and the winner gets worse than that… a bust of the egotistical mama’s bust, that will be thrown out the window of the winner’s car on the way home.
This show should either be cancelled or revamped to have a different host who doesn’t have an overbearing mother on the show. Until then, you lost another viewer. ABC, I thought you were better than this.