TL;DR: Game play and art save this game from its terrible cutscene lag and repetitious dialog.
Forspoken is about a girl getting transported to another world and becoming a reluctant hero. The game play is smooth and flows beautifully. The spells are interesting and offer something different with each new form of magic she acquires. I think the voice acting for cuff and Frey are good.
The way that every single interaction whether with the npcs or the dice have an immersion breaking delay makes side quests very tedious. There is no need for the dice, that can be found everywhere because they are quite common apparently, to have that cutscene. The over excessive repeated dialog between Frey and Cuff gets old quick. If you have limited dialog to play while the player is exploring the world, turn down the frequency of it. Everytime I scan for nearby enemies I get one of five dialog options played at me.
The lack of character control during cuff conversation is again immersion breaking. I am an ADHD player. Those pauses are torture. Let me move the character around but don't let me interact with things. The cat following quests were a waste of time. Two cutscenes that rewarded you with showing a screen to show you the same reward every time you do it is unnecessary.
The game play and the art are what saved this game.