I have just come back from a second viewing of Rise Of Skywalker. I went to the premiere Thur 12.01am in Australia. First viewing i was overwhelmed how it sped along at light speed. I thoroughly enjoyed it as a finale to one of the greatest sagas of all time, and being a star wars fanboy since the original trilogy was immensely satisfied with how it all panned out. The first viewing, I thought it was so much better than The Last Jedi but pale in comparison to Force Awakens which I thought was fantastic for the start of a new trilogy. After second viewing I am rating it as the best in the new trilogy. At the moment I am putting it after New Hope with Empire Strikes Back the best Skywalker and Star Wars movie.
Without any spoilers ,after the second viewing I am so pleased how JJ has fixed the mistakes of the Last Jedi. We now have closure on so many elements of the Skywalker saga which Johnson nearly buggered up. When you view it a second time you understand how JJ came up with his ending for the Skywalker saga. You need to pay complete attention to what is going on to fully appreciate it. Being a massive fanboy since I was a youngling I absolutely loved the moments that JJ put in there for the fans( that Chewie moment..gives me the feels)...
If you are thinking about seeing this please stay away from all these negative reviews from so called experts. Make your own mind up..
I will give Rise of Skywalker 4.5/5