Almost a good show. A lot of time is spent talking. Normally, I'd be alright with that, but it added little to the lore and world building. Inclusion and diversity is fine, but it was hamfisted in. Castlevania should be an about an adventure, not a channel for the showrunners to echo the same politics we hear on the news everyday. It's not clever and it doesn't need to be in an anime about vampires. I drew the line at devout Christian zealot soldier being gay. That didn't make any sense and was completely out of left field. Revolution, anti operation, and anti slavery make sense together for that time period. But then shoehorning that scene with Olrox and Mizrak was blatant political pandering. Good shows don't break immersion. Seems like whoever greenlit this simply went down a checklist of buzz popular buzzwords. Next time, make it less obtrusive and don't devote so much time to it.