The book being written by Michael Crichton i had the highest expectations and I was not let down. The beautiful mix of perfectly placed comedy and jaw dropping visual effects had me lost for words. The beauty of a 7 ton beast stomping towards you in the rear view mirror of a jeep and the terror of staring down a velociraptor had me in awe. When ellie went to turn the power back on and is greeted with ray arnolds severed arm had me shook. I have to say the only thing i was disappointed by was them leaving out hammonds death. After hearing about the concept deaths they had in mind for him i was saddened that richard attenboroughs character didnt get the death scene he had in the book. Even after all that I couldn't have wished for a better live action adaptation of the book. When I read the book as a kid I found a place where I fit in the world. I always wanted to be like Alan Grant or Ian Malcom growing up. Paleontology is a field I love and this movie showed me the real beauty of the field and why I loved it so much. Since my first watch through I have watched it at least a dozen more times and each time felt just as amazed as the first. This movie reminds me of a simpler time when not everything mattered as much, a time when people could be excepted for who they were and what they did. If it wasn't for people like Alan Grant even if fictional, I don't know where I'd be in life today. Overall I'd give this movie 100/10