This book was not enjoyable to read. The main character did have a lot of hard knocks in her life, but she was also very self-centered. The whole book aims for an "isn't this cool" vibe, but it's really about what really?Spoiler alert: I found the 9/11 ending and death of Reva a cheap and ultimately vapid "how do I end this story anyway?" ending.
Otherwise, the author never seems to question the incredibly privileged life, not in the sense of a really happy one, but tell me, how many people in the world have the option of sleeping away a year to try and find a reason to live? And it was also very decontextualized - except for the 9/11 ending there was not really a sense of time. Place, I suppose so, an elite, white Manhattan world, especially an art world.
And what's with that weird cover?