The first episode was by far the best and good enough to keep me going for the entire 8 episode series. The show has a lot of twists and turns that, while interesting, lead to now where. Collette is an excellent character actress, but she looked haggard throughout the series and left her daughter with no explanation in some strange places to end up meeting back with her. What was the purpose of Laura (Jane) getting out of witsic? What was up with the younger version of her being played by someone who is shorter and has an Eastern European accent? Hardwick, while easy on the eyes, seemed to be out of place as the ex-hubby and his character didn't seem to lend anything to the fold. No explanation for why their relationship fell apart.
Overall it was entertaining, but we still don't know who sent out the hits and who the scary people reported to. If you manage not to watch it, don't worry.