I get that this is supposed to express the fear of a black mother whose son is missing..and missing as a possibility of being shot by the police. But as a black woman, one of the realities is that being a black woman, this is not the way you get your missing child home safe and out of the custody of negligent authorities. in reality, hers and the father's over dramatization will only ensure that if the child is in the custody of negligent authorities, that if he wasn't harmed.... he will be now. not to mention the fact that the discussion of a white husband with a black wife about a black son appears that she married a prejudicial man who found her to be a prize and is proving that as he lays with another woman at 4am. concubine at best. This would also mean that she has some hate of her own self and lack of awareness of her own blackness and what it truly means with the decision to marry a man who hates and is unaware of who she is while taking full advantage to lay the pipe to black loving that is not understood, valued or cherished. all that to say that this is a horrible over acted and unrealistic movie. I get what it is saying, but try another way.