I watched it and I found it very hard to like, I tried I swear. It has the potential to be a great film but for me it failed.
First off, there were too many random pauses. While it is realistic for people to pause while speaking it dies quite work when after every two sentences of dual there is a five second pause. I found myself skipping ahead.
Secondly, the love interested Aster for some reason was just really hard to like or relate too. Cool you read books, you like old literature, but we didn't see enough of her actual personality it what made her so special. While it was quite possible that they did this for deeper symbolism I'm not sure if came off to well.
Also the want really much character development, and that made it sure if strange.
I love the idea of showing the struggle that many immigrants face when they move to America, especially in towns where they sent really as accepted. It was nice to see a new take on a love triangle, but I didn't find myself rooting or caring for any of the characters. Overall it had great potential but sort of failed.