So I feel like it gets to much criticism I liked it! I’ve watched like everything Star Wars ( almost) and the sequels make me gag, huge mistake! ( skip this if u don’t want to hear my nerdiness. So darth Vader aka anakin defeats palpatine who Is brought back. He was the chosen one! They diminished that! Luke would’ve never left Jedi hood and and unless yoda didn’t want any more Jedi he would’ve never burned the books with his better than bacon stick I’m done) NEXT. people say Star Wars is dead and it’s partly true I feel the concept is the best thing in the whole world! But it’s executed terribly. Star Wars will always be nostalgic. Someone said that the beginning of Ashoka was silly because the captain let the so called Jedi aboard I totally agree. Still you can tell the captain is a dumbo. I wish it would’ve been a movie. It was not necessary to be a series! My Love for Ashoka comes from clone wars season seven. Omg I loved it so much! And although the first three episodes make me gag the ending was beautiful.
I wish to see more Star Wars. And all I want is love to be put in to it!