New World Translation (*JW Bible*) ----- Revelation 1:7-8, 12-18 (*In verse 18--How did Jehovah became "DEAD"?) ----------
7 Look! He is coming with the clouds,o and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him.p Yes, Amen. ----(*IS JEHOVAH COMING?*)
8 “I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga,”*q says JEHOVAH* GOD, “the One who is and who was--------- AND WHO IS COMING, THE ALMIGHTY.”r ----
12 I turned to see who was speaking with me, and when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands,d 13 and in the midst of the lampstands SOMEONE LIKE A SON OF MAN ,(*IS JESUS THE SON OF MAN?*),e clothed in a garment that reached down to the feet and wearing a golden sash around his chest. 14 Moreover, his head and his hair were white as white wool, as snow, and his eyes were like a fiery flame,f 15 and his feet were like fine copperg when glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars,h and out of his mouth a sharp, long, two-edged swordi was protruding, and his countenance* was like the sun when it shines at its brightest.j 17 When I saw him, I fell as dead at his feet.
And he laid his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the Firstk and the Last,l 18 and the living one,m AND I BECAME DEAD,n but look! I am living forever and ever,o and I have the keys of death and of the Grave