No movie appeals to everybody. A lot of people won't get this movie.
Some will like it for the ship design and plot of going someplace new to start over. Some people are just fan's of the stars.
I liked it because it is a one shot, stand alone flick, in an age of franchises with their endless continuations.
While his selfish gamble paid off in the end, not necessarily his quality of life but the saving of the ship and all the passengers did rely on that gamble. Without her, that ship was history. Honestly, until that point in the movie I had a negative opinion on his early action.
Of course this is coming from a guy who isn't on a spaceship with an excuse, but has lived his life alone on a planet full of people.
I think reviews like everything else in life can go either way depending on an individual's expectations and experiences. Maybe I would have disliked this movie if my life was one of easy and fulfillment.